Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Tugas 2 PBIBK (Direct - Indirect Speech)

1.      Direct Speech:
"Everyone recognizes the world-class JFC and to make it happen the Ministry of Tourism establishes Jember as the carnival city," the minister said in a statement received by Antara here on Friday.
Indirect Speech:
The minister said in a statement received by Antara here on Friday that everyone recognized the world-class JFC and to make it happened the Ministry of Tourism established Jember as the carnival city.

2.      Direct Speech:
"The establishment as the carnival city is aimed at supporting Jember goes international. If we want JFC to compete in global arena then Jember should be set to be a world-class carnival city," he said.
Indirect Speech:
He said that the establishment as the carnival city was aimed at supporting Jember went international. If we wanted JFC to compete in global arena then Jember should be set to be a world-class carnival city.

3.      Direct Speech:
"By making Jember a world-class carnival city, we can increase its commercial and financial values," he said.
Indirect speech:
He said that by making Jember a world-class carnival city, we could increase its commercial and financial values.

4.      Direct Speech:
"The portfolio of Indonesia's tourism business comes from a cultural attraction of 60 percent, nature 35 percent and human-made attraction of 5 percent. All are developed in MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) tourism products," Minister Arief said.
Indirect Speech:
Minister Arief said that the portfolio of Indonesia's tourism business came from a cultural attraction of 60 percent, nature 35 percent and human-made attraction of 5 percent. All were developed in MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) tourism products.

5.      Direct Speech:
"The Victory theme in the 16th JFC describes Indonesia's victory in various world competitions," he said, adding that the theme of "Victory" illustrates the success of Indonesia that is able to unify the differences in the framework of a sovereign state.
Indirect Speech:
He said that The Victory theme in the 16th JFC described Indonesia's victory in various world competitions, adding that the theme of "Victory" illustrates the success of Indonesia that is able to unify the differences in the framework of a sovereign state.


Kamis, 28 September 2017

Tugas 1 PBIK

Sabtu , 22 July 2017, 07:34 WIB
Minister establishes Jember District as carnival city
Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has established Jember District, East Java Province as a carnival city in line with the 16th annual event of Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC).
"Everyone recognizes the world-class JFC and to make it happen the Ministry of Tourism establishes Jember as the carnival city," the minister said in a statement received by Antara here on Friday.
He said the 16th JFC 2017 under a theme of "Victory Unity in Diversity" has inspired many carnivals across the country.
"The establishment as the carnival city is aimed at supporting Jember goes international. If we want JFC to compete in global arena then Jember should be set to be a world-class carnival city," he said.
According to the minister, JFC creativity can bring in foreign tourists. "By making Jember a world-class carnival city, we can increase its commercial and financial values," he said.
The JFC has become a source of inspiration for designers to elevate traditional clothing that won a number of international awards such as Balinese costume that won the best national costume mister international in 2010.
In addition, Toraja Karembau costume earned the best national costume man huni international in 2011 in South Korea, Papuan costume achieved the best national costume mister universe model in Dominica Republic, and Kalimantan fashion won the best national costume miss supranational in 2014 in Poland.
Meanwhile, Lampung costume won the best national costume miss international 2014 in Japan and the best national costume miss grand international 2016 in the United States, and Toraja Tongkonan fashion won the best national costume miss supranational 2015 in Poland.
The other costumes are Borobudor fashion that won the best national costume of Miss Universe 2015 in Florida, USA, Betawi fashion reached the best national costume of miss international tourism 2016 in Malaysia, and Garuda costume was included in top five national costume miss universe 2016 in the Philippine.
"The portfolio of Indonesia's tourism business comes from a cultural attraction of 60 percent, nature 35 percent and human-made attraction of 5 percent. All are developed in MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) tourism products," Minister Arief said.
Meanwhile, JFC President Dynand Fariz said JFC 2017 to be held on August 9-13, 2017 in Jember District feature exhibition, carnival, conference, and concert.
"The Victory theme in the 16th JFC describes Indonesia's victory in various world competitions," he said, adding that the theme of "Victory" illustrates the success of Indonesia that is able to unify the differences in the framework of a sovereign state.

Source :

Minggu, 07 Mei 2017

Business Communication (Task 5)

Information technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the result your customer demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships of business.
First and foremost, technology affects a firm’s ability to communicate with customers. In today’s busy business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly and clearly. Websites allow customers to find answers to their questions after hours. Fast shipment options allow businesses to move products over a large geographic area. When customers use technology to interact with a business, the business benefits because better communication creates a stronger public image.
Technology also helps a business understand its cash flow needs and preserve precious resources such as time and physical space. Warehouse inventory technologies let business owners understand how best to manage the storage costs of holding a product. With proper technology in place, executives can save time and money by holding meetings over the Internet instead of at corporate headquarters.

·         Email
Email is widely used as a form of business communication and overall it is a highly effective communication tool. Email is inexpensive, only requiring an Internet connection that is generally already present in the business. Although a printout of emails is possible, emails often stay as soft copies because archiving and retrieving email communications is easy to do. From the CEO to the janitorial staff and even temporary employees of the business can send and receive email communications.

·         Internet
The role of the Internet in business communication is varied and has come to be of great importance. It can be used to increase effective communication both internally and externally. Use of the Internet can make it easier to connect with others quickly and more often, in addition to exchanging a wide array of media types. It can be used to communicate purchase information to vendors and by customers to ask questions. The factors that make the role of the Internet in business communication important can also cause conflict, depending on the way the medium is used.
·         Voice mail
Voicemail has come a long way from its earlier years of just taking messages. Today, there is a wide range of features and benefits to using an enhanced voicemail service. Voice mail systems can greatly enhance a business’ performance and increase efficiency in communication with customers and clients, which is why every business should make an effort to search for a system that will offer functionality that will help streamline communication and improve instant access to information. Small to medium-sized businesses have many options available without the need to purchase costly in-house equipment, and finding the right voice mail system should be just as important as any other communication decision, since after all, the telephone is the first line of communication that customers have with a company. The way that calls are answered and handled can make or break a company, which is why businesses should take a serious look at using a voice mail system that delivers.

·         Teleconferencing

1.      It Cuts Back on Travel
With even smaller companies conducting business outside of their city, province, and even country at high frequencies, they need to rely on partners or associates from these alternate locations. Video conferencing solutions allow associates to visually communicate without having to jump on a plane or drive across the country, which in turn cuts back on costs and time.

2.      It Accommodates a Shift in Employee Behaviour
Millennials currently account for the largest demographic in the Canadian workforce. And if you don’t know by now, you’ll soon realize that they prefer to work on their own time at a location of their choosing. This means employers need to make adjustments that allow for this generation to feel comfortable working at any level. That means having communication technologies that allow for this new trend of remote work. Access to video conferencing thus becomes a significant factor, as the inclination to collaborate is another inherent characteristic that most Millennials share.

3.      Sometimes a Phone Call Isn’t Good Enough
Countless studies have shown that the large majority of communication is nonverbal. A famous UCLA study even has it at 93%. In business particularly, being able to ensure you have the attention of your team, or being able to gauge the mood of a client, is key to the decision-making and negotiation processes. Video conferencing essentially puts everyone in the same room at the same time with the accountability of having to be present and aware of everything being said.

4.      Ensure Your Technology Is Functional with Video Conferencing
The reason companies turn to a separate technology for video conferencing is because the free apps available through mobile devices and smartphones aren’t reliable enough to conduct business appropriately. A dropped call or shaky video is OK if you’re speaking to a friend, but imagine the screen cutting in and out, suddenly going black, or the call dropping altogether in the middle of a conference call with stakeholders. It simply does not project an agreeable impression of the given business.

Definition of Business Reports
Business reports are a type of assignment in which you analyse a situation (either a real situation or a case study) and apply business theories to produce a range of suggestions for improvement.
Business reports are typically assigned to enable you to:
  • Examine available and potential solutions to a problem, situation, or issue.
  • Apply business and management theory to a practical situation.
  • Demonstrate your analytical, reasoning, and evaluation skills in identifying and weighing-up possible solutions and outcomes.
  • Reach conclusions about a problem or issue.
  • Provide recommendations for future action.
  • Show concise and clear communication skills.
Remember that with business reports, typically, there is no single correct answer but several solutions, each with their own costs and benefits to an organisation. It is these costs and benefits which you need to identify and weigh-up in your report.
Further, when writing the report, you need to consider the audience you are writing for: is it the CEO or will the report be available to all staff concerned? It is vital that you ensure an appropriate level of formality, sensitivity, fairness, and objectivity.
A business report is very much useful for the management and also for the others. Its importance is because of the functions it performs. The functions of business report are :
·         Provides Facts pertaining to events, conditions, qualities, progress, results investigations or interpretations.
·         Measures Progress of employees, departments, and companies.
·         Points Causes of problems e.g., low margins, high rate of staff turnover, accidents in factory etc.
·         Suggests measures to overcome the business problems.

Types of Business Reports in Business Communication

The business reports are classified on many basis. Such types of business reports are briefly explained.

Reports on the basis of Importance or Frequency

The reports are classified into two types. They are :
1.      Ordinary or routine reports
2.      special reports

1. Ordinary or Routine Report

Ordinary reports are prepared and presented before the managing director at specific intervals or to the next authorized person in the business routine. The reports shall be submitted either daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually. This type of report contains mere statement of facts in detail without any opinion or recommendation of the reporter. Examples for routine reports are Report of Directors to the Annual General Meeting, Auditor’s Report to the Annual General Meeting, Sales Report, Production Report and the like.

2. Special Report

This type of report is prepared and presented before the top management on specific request. It usually contains the opinions or recommendations of the reporter with the help of facts and arguments. Examples for special report are opening of branch, introducing a new product, Improving the quality or changing the shape or size of the product and the like.

Reports on the Basis of Legal Formalities

The reports are classified into two types. They are formal report and informal report.

1. Formal Report

Formal report is prepared in a prescribed format and presented before the competent authority in an established procedure. Reports submitted by officials or committees of constituted bodies (example: Companies, Cooperative Societies, Local Bodies etc.) are usually formal report.

2. Informal Report

Informal report is prepared in a format of the convenience of the reporter and presented directly before the required person as and when demanded. An informal report is presented as in the form of letter or memorandum. Generally, it takes the form of a person to person communication.
The formal reports are classified into two types. They are statutory report and non-statutory report.

Reports on the basis of Function

The reports are classified on the basis of function into two types. They are informative and interpretative.

1. Informative Report

An informative report is prepared and presented with the help of available information at the maximum with regard to an issue or situation.

2. Interpretative Report

An interpretative report is not only contains the facts, views and opinions of reporters and others but also includes the causes for an issue or an event and required remedial action with recommendations.

Reports on the basis of meetings

Whenever a meeting is organized in any business organization, a report is prepared by the secretary or any other individual about the proceedings of the meeting. Such reports are classified into two types. They are Verbation Report and Summarized Report.

1. Verbation Reports

A verbation report is a complete word by word record of all discussions made at a meeting. For example, Appointment of an Auditor. A resolution is passed in the meeting. Likewise, Directors are appointed and the remuneration and perquisites of key personnel are fixed by passing a resolution. In this case, a report is prepared by including the verbation record of the resolutions passed with the names of the proposers and seconders, manner of voting and results.
However, the verbation report should not be confused with the minutes of the meeting which is the official record of the proceedings and the decisions arrived at in the meeting.

2. Summarised Report

A summarized report is prepared with the help of the essential details discussed in the meeting. This type of report is prepared for sending to the press or to shareholders of the company or members of the institution.

Reports on the basis of Nature of the Subject dealt with

The following reports are included in the report which are classified on the basis of the nature of the subject dealt with.

1. Problem Solving Report

A problem may arise in any one of the department or in the whole organization. Hence, the top management may seek a report for solving the problem. When, the reporter collects various information to find the causes for such problem. Moreover, the report is concluded with the ways of solving the problem. Such type of report is called Problem Solving Report.

2. Fact Finding Report

A machine may be breakdown in the factory premises. Sometimes, there may be a rivalry between the two group of workers. Now, the management wants to know the real reason for machine break down and group clash between the workers. In this case, the reporter analyze the incident through detailed investigation and find the truth. Finally, the reporter presents the facts in the report form before the top management.

3. Performance Report

The business organization wants to know the performance of each department periodically or performance of a branch or performance of newly appointed employee or performance of existing employees for promotion, transfer and the like. The management is not in a position to take a decision without knowing the performance. Hence, a reporter is asked to prepare the performance report for anyone of the reasons mentioned above.

4. Technical Report

There is a lot of changes made in the technology. Whenever a company is going to introduce mechanical process instead of manual process, the level of technology required assessed. Sometimes a design may be changed in the existing product, if so, latest technology should be adopted. In this case, a detailed report is essential to top management for taking a decision. Such type of report is called Technical Report.

Reports of Committees or Subcommittees

Committees or Subcommittees are formed by the top management to prepare the report on any one of the issue. The followings are included in the reports of committee or subcommittee.
  1. Standing Committee Report
  2. Adhoc Committee Report
  3. Minority Report
  4. Majority Report

1. Standing Committee Report

Standing Committees are permanent in nature and are entrusted to deal with some continuing aspects of the business organization.
For example: Finance, Performance of Employees, Performance of Departments etc. These matters are continuously watched by the standing committee and submit the report at frequent intervals.

2. Special or adhoc Committee Report

Special or adhoc Committees are appointed to deal with special investigation and are dissolved as soon as the presentation of report. Hence, the life of special committee is temporary.
For example: Fire occurrence or Accident incurred within the factory premises. The causes for fire or accident are find out by forming special committee.

3. Minority Report

Committees or subcommittees are appointed to submit the report based on the investigation of special subject. Generally, three members are selected to form a committee or subcommittee. One member being the chairman of such committee or subcommittee.
If the members have different opinion or views over the subject matter dealt with, the dissentient member may append the notes of dissent or may submit a report separately. Such report is termed as Minority Report. Even though, the dissent members must sign in the majority report with dissent note.

4. Majority Report

Generally, all the members of the committee or subcommittee including chairman have unanimous opinion among them. If so, only one report is prepared and presented before the responsible body. If not so, majority members of the committee or subcommittee have different opinion than minority members. In this case, majority members are going to submit a report before the responsible body. Such report is termed as majority report.

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