Minggu, 05 Maret 2017

Business Communication (Task 2)

Here is, the writer gives the examples of claim letter and resignment letter that is used to full fill the requirment assignment 2 in the subject of business communication.

1. Claim Letter

Kagumi Lily Wedding Organizer
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 35
Pos Code. 131614
Telp. (021) 87655667 | Fax. 02726252456 | Email. KagumililyWO@gmail.com

Ms. Dyjah Koening
Sales Manager
Mimper Exclusive Bridal Boutique
Jl. Khayangan No. 24
Pos Code 53689

March 5th, 2017

Dear Ms. Koening,

On February 21th, 2017 I purchased 2 pink bridal gowns for my customer. The quality and color of your shipment do not match with our order classification. If we use different quality and inappropriate order like our customer needed, so it will damage our business as the sophisticated wedding organizer. We have returned your shipments along with a request for cash refund of $6,000 for those gowns.

We believe that your boutique has deep concern for its customers. We are also convinced with the earlier dealing of your company.

Refunding the money within the next 10 days will be highly appreciated for the time of that weeding is closer to the date line. We are looking for future business.

Yours Faithfully,


(Anna Karenina)
Purchasing Manager

2. Resignment Letter

Rusiana Rahayu

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 24

Jakarta Selatan

Pos Code. 3156268

Telp. (021) 87655667 | Email. rusianarahayu@yahoo.co.id


Mr. Ardan Salim
General Manager
Pullman Hotel
Jl. Setia Budi No. 19
Jakarta Selatan
Pos Code 132452

March 5th, 2017

Dear Mr. Salim

Through this letter, I purpose to leave from my position as front office manager at Pullman Hotel starting from March 12th, 2017.

I feel that now is the right time for me to seek my career in the other field. I would be grateful if you confirm the acceptance of my resignation and the date. If there is something I have to finish before I go, please let me know as soon as possible.

I also express my gratitude to the Matsu Hotel for the support and the opportunity that I have gained my skill while I am working here.
I wish the entire team of front office always successes and proceeded with achievement.

Thank you for your attention and wisdom.

Yours Sincerely,
Rusiana Rahayu
(Rusiana Rahayu)

Business Communication (Task 1)

Definition of Business Communication
  • Sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization or company.
It means that all of business activities have the same main purpose to make commercial benefit.
  • How a company shares information to promote its product or service to their potential consumers.
It means that the company shares their information to get the potential consumers in their class, for every company has classification to choose their consumer based on their class.

Elements of Communication
  • Sender/Encoder         
Person who give the information to the receiver.

  • Receiver/Decoder      
Person who accepts the information from the sender  that contains of massage.

  • Massage                      
The massage is full of goals/purpose from the company itself.

  • Channel/Medium
 Someone or something that can be used as a tool to inform the business. 

There  are 2 types of it : 
1)      Direct
The information is given by sender to receiver directly; for example is face to face.

2)      Indirect
The information is given by sender to receiver indirectly, such as flyer, media social, and etc.

Guiding for Effective Communication

1.      Clarity of purpose

The explanation should be clearly, so the information can be accepted without any misunderstanding.

2.      Share Activity
Both of companies which make relation should be active as the sender and receiver.

3.      Common Set of Symbol
In the communication aspect the international terms is important to avoid misunderstanding.

4.      Focus on the Need of the Receiver
We have to focus on the receiver to make them want to make business relation with us.

5.      Active Listening
We have to put our position as a good listener, so what we are talking about between our colleagues can be understood.

6.      Controlling Emotion
Controlling emotion is the important things, for the emotion will guide us to manage our mind. As the result, our business can run well.

7.      Politeness
As a business man we have to make attitude as the peak of everything, for attitude and politeness will make our colleague feel comfort to make relation with us.

8.      Clarity Assumption
Give the clearness assumption without any if conditional which never happen.

9.      Avoiding Connotation
Use the real or common language which can be understood by the public.

10.  Social Psychological Aspects
The appearance and the way we talk should follow their class, so they will respect with us.

11.  Completeness
If they get interesting with us, so we can relate our business with them; besides, if they refuse, so we cannot insist them.

The Questions

·         What do you mean by “effective communication”?

The Answer   

Effective communication in the writer opinion is the way of communication process that can give the result as good relation between the sender and the receiver of the massage. The result of effective communication is the massage from the sender can be accepted well to the receiver.

·          How does the knowledge of the communication process help us in communicating effectively?
The Answer    

When we are good enough in the communication skill, so automatically we will be able to communicating effectively. To get that skill, so we must learn about knowledge of the communication. The rich knowledge of communication and practice in the real life will guide us in communicating effectively. 

·         What is the major mistake in communication?

The Answer    

The major mistake in communication are :
1.      Unclearness of the topic that they are talking about.
2.      Misunderstanding between the sender and the receiver.
3.      Grammatical incorrect, so the information cannot be received well.
4.      Person who wants to get to know about privacy of someone, and it is impolite.
5.      Person who cannot be as a good listener, so the information cannot be accepted well.