Class : 4SA03
Group Member : 1. Anisah Fitri S. (11614300)
2. Istikomah (1D614103)
3. Rusiana Rahayu (19614856)
Title : 5 Aplikasi Peta yang Siap Membantumu
Dikala Tersesat Saat Liburan
Source Language
Google Translate
Target Language
Method (New Mark)
Liburan memanglah sangat
Holiday is indeed fun.
Holiday is very fun.
Semantic Translation
Kita bias bebas dari
rutinitas yang membosankan, pekerjaan yang menumpuk, dan kejenuhan-kejenuhan
lainnya yang kita alami saat weekday.
We can be free of tedious
routine, the piling work, and the other boredom that we experience during
We can be free from daily
routine which is boring, stacking work, and other saturations that we had on
Communicative Translation
Saat liburan kita sering berpikir
untuk liburan dikota tempat tinggal atau keluar kota.
During the holidays we
often think for a vacation in the city where live or out of town.
During the holiday we
often think to have a holiday in the city where we live or out of town.
Semantic Translation
Tentunya liburan keluar
kota memberikan kepuasan dan sensasi yang lebih luar biasa.
Certainly a vacation out
of town to provide satisfaction and a more extraordinary sensation.
Certainly, a vacation out
of town give us a satisfaction and more amazing sensation.
Communicative Translation
Hal ini dikarenakan kita
akan mendapatkan suasana yang berbeda dari kota tempat tinggal kita.
This is
because we will get a different atmosphere from the city where we live.
This is caused we are
going to get different atmosphere from the city where we live.
Communicative Translation
Masalahnya adalah jika
kita berlibur keluar kota bahkan luar pulau, tentunya daerah tersebut
merupakan daerah yang asing bagi kita.
problem is if we are vacationing out of town even outside the island, of
course the area is an area that is foreign to us.
The problem is if we
travel to another city even another island, for sure the region is unfamiliar
for us.
Communicative Translation
Berkendara menjadi tidak
nyaman, sering berputa-putar mencari lokasi wisata dan hotel, serta kelelahan
dijalan karena sudah kebingungan mencari jalan adalah hal yang paling dibenci
saat liburan keluar kota.
Driving to
be uncomfortable, often circling for tourist sites and hotels, and exhaustion
in the street because it is confusion to find a way is the most hated when
vacation out of town.
Driving being
uncomfortable, we are often confused to look for the tourism spot and hotel;
besides we get tired because we are confused to find out the route, those are
the things that we are hate the most when we travel to another city.
Communicative Translation
Sadarkah kalian
perkembangan teknologi sekarang benar-benar maju.
Do you realize
technological developments are now really advanced.
Do you realize the
technological developments are really advanced now.
Semantic Translation
Kita sudah banyak aplikasi
peta yang bertebaran di Play Store maupun App Store yang siap diunduh dan
Nowadays many map apps are
scattered in Play Store or App Store ready to download and use.
Nowadays many map applications
are available in Play Store or App Store that ready to download and use.
Semantic Translation
Pengunaannya juga cukup
Its use is also quite
Its use is also quite
Communicative Translation.
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