Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

The Wonderful of Papua Nature

Wonderful Indonesia's logo which is used as the official logo to promote Indonesia tourism

     If you admit as the real traveler, so you have to explore Indonesia tourism at first before you go aboard to explore another country. As a country that has more than 17.000 islands and 34 provinces, so we can imagine how much the wonderful tourism spots in here. To support this sector; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia has had a project to promote the tourism in Indonesia which is named Wonderful Indonesia. Now, I am going to tell you about the one of the Indonesia province that I think it is very exotic. The exotic province that I mean is Papua. What is the first impression when I said about tourism spot in Papua? I am sure that you will remember about Raja Ampat or Jayawijaya Mountain. In fact, Papua has other tourism spots which have same gorgeous and exotic views like those spots. The spots are Cendrawasih Bay National Park, Lake Sentani, Baliem Valley and Bosnik Beach. Now, I will give you the information of these spots. 

   1. Cendrawasih Bay National Park
 Cendrawasih Bay National Park

     Almost all of these areas are waters. We should not need to surprise if this area has become the largest of sea conservation area in Indonesia. There are 196 kinds of molusca and 209 kinds of fish which you can see when diving.  Sometimes, if you are lucky; you can see turtle, shark and dolphin which will accompany you while you are diving. In other side, there are some islands in this bay such as Mioswaar Island, Yoop Island, Numfor Island and Nusrowi Island. When you come here; you have to explore these islands.

2. Sentani Lake

Sentani Lake
      Sentani Lake is the largest lake in Papua. This location is about 50 km from the central city Jayapura. The lake is surrounded by less than 21 islands. There are so many activities that we can do in here such as swimming, fishing or just enjoying the atmosphere. If you want to get a new experience to enjoy this place, so you can explore by a boat which is charged by local people. Every a year in the middle of June, there is a festival which is named Sentani Lake Festival. When it held; this place become crowded, for a lot of people come to see any art and culture performing that is performed by local people.

3. Baliem Valley

 Baliem Valley

     Baliem Valley is the hometown of Suku Dani, Yali, and Lani (Original ethnic groups from Papua). This located of this place is in the around Jayawijaya Mountain and berada diketinggian 1600 meter di atas laut and when the night come; the temperature in here is about 10 – 15 celcius degrees. In here, you can communicate with the local people who wear koteka and tuft skirt (traditional clothes). You can’t get this experience in another place, so there is no doubt to come here to explore the nature and local tradition also.

 4. Bosnik Beach

 Bosnik Beach

     The location of Bosnik Beach is not far away from the central city of Biak. In here, you can explore this island just Rp 10.000/person.  If you come here; you have to make sure to bring camera because the view is so beautiful. The view is gorgeous with the clear blue water, white sand along the beach, and coconut trees in the sides of beach. This place is suitable to create a memorable moment with your family or your partner, for this place is so exotic and romantic in the same time. You can also spend your time to explore the island to find the best spot to take many pictures or just laying down in the sand to relaxing your mind while drinking a coconut ice which is sold by local people. 

     From the information above, we can admit that Papua is one of the most beautiful places that you have to explore. You have to remember that Papua tourism especially in nature spot is not about Raja Ampat and Jayawijaya Mountain, but there are Cendrawasih Bay National Park, Sentani Lake, Baliem Valley, and Bosnik Beach. In conclusion, Papua is definitely the real of the exotic place in this world. It has rich in the source of nature and the originality of local tradition itself which we can’t find in another place. 
     That is all the information of Papua nature tourism spots that make our eyes can’t stop to see the beautiful view. Overall, in every spot has unique side and as an Indonesia people, so we must support Indonesia tourism become more well-known in International. If you interested to travel around the world, so don’t you ever missing to explore Papua. You have to explore these 4 places, or you will regret when you die, for you are missing these paradise of this world. Let's support Indonesia in tourism sector! Wonderful Indonesia~



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